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smoothness 英/ ?smu?en?s / 美/ ?smu?en?s / - 1
计算机科学技术 平滑 And a discussion is made in optimization and smoothness of motion path as well. 并在运动轨迹的优化与平滑方面进行了探讨。 光滑性 lder smoothness. lder光滑性。 光顺 The experiments show that the interpolating cubic β-spline curves obtained by this algorithm possesses good fairness and smoothness. 实验结果表明利用该算法得到的插值曲线具有较好的光顺性。 光滑度 Estimation of skin smoothness is of ever-increasing interest especially in the field of cosmetic research nowadays. 如今,评价皮肤表面的光滑度越来越受到人们的重视,尤其是在化妆品研究领域。 流畅
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交通运输工程 平顺性 Vehicle smoothness can be enhanced when wheelbase and mass difference of the axles are reduced in suspension design. 在平衡悬架的结构设计上,减小两车桥的轴距和质量差异可提高车辆的平顺性。 平整度 光顺 Smoothness and its evaluation are discussed on the basis of the understanding of the basic theories of curves and surfaces. 理解曲线曲面的基础理论,讨论曲线曲面光顺以及光顺评价问题。
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能源科学技术 平稳性 The research of the reversing smoothness is having been popular topic for the high-speed, large-scale and reciprocating machine tool. 对于高速大惯量往复加工机床来说,换向平稳性一直是一个热门话题。
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文学 通顺 For so many years, faith and smoothness have been the principal rule in the traditional norms to evaluate translation. 在传统的评价翻译的标准中,长期以米,忠实通顺一直是评价翻译的首要原则。
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