释义 |
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Other front runners in the race to smoke-free are New Zealand, which has set 2025 as its target year, and Finland, which is aiming to reach the goal by 2040. 在“无烟区”的竞争中,其他跑在前面的对手还包括新西兰(计划于2025年实现目标)和芬兰(目标定在2040年前)。 - 2
There are weapons, but when you shoot things, the target just disappears in a poof of smoke. 还有武器,不过当你射击物品时,目标只会消失在武器的硝烟中。 - 3
One of them reached its target, and I could see the enemy ship slowing down, smoke coming from one of her turrets. The only thing missing was thesmell of cordite. 其中一颗击中了目标, 我能看到敌舰慢了下来,它的一个炮塔开始冒烟(译者:目测坏炮了)。