... second第二 second addition time二次加法时间 second approximation二次近似 ...
... 第二层次谓词 second-level predicate 第二次加法时间 second addition time 第二次校正 second-order correction ...
第二次加工时间second addition time 来料、来样、来件加工产品 process products with materials supplied by clients ..
In addition, Samsung has partnered with US film studio DreamWorks for the secondtime for the launch of Shrek 4, 'Forever After' which will be available in 3d for the first time.
The addition of a second nontransferable father month in 2002 only marginally increased the number of men taking leave, but it more than doubled the amount of time they take.
In addition to requiring larger down payments for second and third homes, Banks charge interest rates that are up to 3 percentage points higher for these homes than for first-time home buyers.