释义 |
- 脂溢性脱发:一种与皮脂分泌过多有关的脱发症状,表现为头皮屑过多、头皮瘙痒和脱发。
1 ?脂溢性脱发 生发软膏治疗脂溢性脱发的临床研究--(中医中药) 关键词] 生发软膏;脂溢性脱发;临床疗效;研究 [gap=882]Key words] Shengfa Ointment; Seborrheic alopecia; Clinical efficacy; Research 2 ?或脂溢性脱发 alopecia prematura)或脂溢性脱发(Seborrheic Alopecia),以上病名沿用多年,直至1960年才由Orenlreich氏首先命名为AGA,因为本病的发生与遗传性素质和雄性激素有关[1].. 3 ?又称脂溢性脱发 ...320例男性型脱发量表分析及非那雄胺治疗的临床研究 男性型脱发(male pattern alopecia,MPA)又称脂溢性脱发(seborrheic alopecia,SA)、雄激素性脱发(androgenetic alopecia,AGA)、遗传性脱发等。 4 ?脂溢性秃发 ... 雄激素性秃发 androgenetic alopecia 脂溢性秃发 Alopecia seborrhoeica ; seborrheic alopecia 虫蛀样秃发 eatenalopecia ...
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However, due to seborrheic alopecia mischief, he was not a smooth process of looking for a girlfriend. 不过,由于脂溢性脱发作怪,他寻找女朋友的过程并不顺利。 - 2
After clinical validation, effectively promote the growth of hair and fiber cells for the formation of seborrheic alopecia carried out personalized repair. 经临床验证,本品能有效促进头发纤维细胞的生长,针对脂溢性脱发的形成进行个性化的修护。 - 3
Note: the treatment of seborrheic alopecia, there is no absolute cure, but as long as rational drug use combined with early rest, you can have a very good recovery, the best; 注: 治疗脂溢性脱发,目前没有绝对的根治,但只要早休息加上合理用药,都可以有很好的恢复,最好的;