释义 |
1 ?海水水色 ... seawater, 海水生化需氧量测定仪 seawater color 海水水色 seawater pollution 海水污染 ...
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Seawater immersion experience of a century wooden ship, after processing will be given new life, its unique texture and color, will make the whole room revealed abnormal elegant atmosphere. 经历上百年海水浸泡的船木,经过加工后将被赋予新的生命力,其特有的纹路和色泽,将让整个居室透出幽远雅致的异样情调。 - 2
The sun, the girl has a head like seaweed thick hair, slightly curly, eyes just like seawater, the skin is very white, ivory color, whole person looks lazy, light. 阳光下,那女生有一头海藻般浓密的长发,微微卷曲,眼睛象海水一样,皮肤很白,是象牙色,整个人看起来懒洋洋的,淡淡的。 - 3
It's a two-component, polyurethane coating with consisting of acrylic resin with excellent gloss and color retention. Resistant to contamination. Resistant to seawater, impact and abrasion. 一种丙烯酸树脂组成的双组份聚氨酯涂料,具有良好的保色性、保光性和耐沾污性,耐海水、碰撞和磨蚀。