D immunoglobulin (RhoGAM) is administered to Rh-negative, unsensitized patients to prevent isoimmunization.
为避免同种免疫,给未致敏的Rh血型阴性患者注射 D免疫球蛋白(RhoGAM)。
The city has a shortage of Rhesus, or Rh-negative blood - a strand rare in China, with only three of every 1,000 Han Chinese being Rh-negative.
北京缺少Rh阴性血,这种血在中国很少见。 每一千名汉人当中才有3个人是这种血型。
In the laboratory, nymphal I. scapularis can survive for over 6 months at 93-100% relative humidity (RH), but over half will die in less than 4 days at 65% RH.