The implementation method and circuit structure as well as principle of branch topological structure in master slave communication are introduced in this paper.
The core of Slave interface hardware design regarded PHILIPS P89C668 MCU chip and SPC3 chip interface circuit as, and additional auxiliary interface circuit is formed.
从站接口硬件设计以PHILIPS P 89c 668 MCU芯片和SPC3芯片接口电路为核心,外加辅助接口电路构成。
The transverse slave control system was designed with the AT89C51 SCM from ATMEL Company. It consisted of sensing test circuit, signal processing circuit and output control circuit.
并设计完成了以atmel公司的AT 89 C 51单片机为核心,由传感检测电路、信号处理电路、输出控制电路等构成的横向随动控制系统。