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Radio telescopes create pictures of the sky, not in visible light, but in radio waves. 射电望远镜拍摄的天空图片不是可见光,而是无线电波。 - 2
Pedersen had made them himself, with the help of an enormous array of antennas that can hurl several megawatts of radio waves into the upper atmosphere, creating brilliant light shows in the sky. 一排排巨大的天线阵列把强度达数兆瓦特的无线电波投射到高空大气层,天空出现了一束束耀眼的光线。 - 3
As Temperatures Rise, Keep Your Cool.. for less it has been ONE HOT summer so far, and with endless heat waves breaking records all over the country, energy bills have been sky rocketing. 天气越来越热,你越来越感觉不到凉爽。到现在为止,今年夏天还真是够热的,热浪来了一波又一波,在我们国家那都打破纪录了,所以那些能源费用也就像火箭一样迅速上升。