释义 |
1 ?溶剂去除剂 ... Soluble developer可溶显像剂 Solvent remover溶剂去除剂 Solvent cleaners溶剂清除剂 ... 2 ?溶剂洗净剂 ... Solvent developer溶剂显像剂 Solvent remover溶剂洗净剂 Solvent-removal penetrant溶剂去除型渗透剂 ...
- 1
DEET works well as a solvent and can dissolve certain plastics, spandex, leather, and works as a nail polish remover. DEET还可以作为一种溶剂使用,能够溶解某些塑料、弹性纤维、皮革,还能够消除指甲油。 - 2
The optimum formulation of the remover was determined as follow:benzene 45%(vol), mutual solvent A 5%(vol), mutual solvent B 5%(vol), and the synergic agent 45%(vol). 确定了混合清蜡剂的最佳配方:苯加量(体积分数,下同)45%,协同剂加量45%,互溶剂A加量5%,互溶剂B加量5%。 - 3
A high efficient mixed paraffin remover was prepared with benzene, mutual solvent a, mutual solvent b, and a synergic agent as materials. 针对我国油井结蜡严重的现象,以苯、互溶剂a、互溶剂b和协同剂为原料,制备了一种高效混合清蜡剂。