释义 |
- n.真诚(sincerity 的复数)
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哲学 “诚” In such an academic background, the interpretation of "Sincerity" has become a focus of neo-Confucianism. 在这样一种学术背景之下,《中庸》“诚者,天之道也,诚之者,人之道也”的思想自然而然就进入了学者们的视野,“诚”这个概念也就顺理成章的成为了宋明理学关注的焦点。 真诚 Zhou zi finished his mind ontology by Cheng to show his pursuit of the sincerity realm. 周子也由此完成了他的以诚体为核心的心性本体论,表明周子对真诚无妄境界的价值追求。 诚意 On the contrary, "Sincere intention" of Great learning made a further expansion and promotion about "conscientiousness of Sincerity" of Mencius . 《大学》的“诚意”则明显的从另一个角度对《孟子》“思诚”工夫做了进一步的拓展与深化。
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Men are always sincere. They change sincerities, that's all. - 2
The love is does not have the state, so long as two people sincerities fall in love, calculated each one far in the other source, your love still is impregnable! 爱情是没有国度的,只要两个人真心相爱,就算各自远在他方,你们的爱情依然是牢不可破的!