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Parts of the downed F-117 wreckage -such as the left wing with us Air Force insignia, the cockpit canopy, ejection seat, pilot's helmet and radio -are exhibited at Belgrade's aviation museum. F - 117的部分残骸,例如印有美国空军标志的左机翼,座舱罩,弹射座椅,飞行员头盔和无线电都陈列在贝尔格莱德的航空博物馆做展览。 - 2
If the pilot had to pull the "d" ring (ejection handle) in an emergency, the cables would snap the wearer's feet back under the seat to ensure a smooth and safe ejection from the aircraft. 当发生紧急情况,飞行员需要弹射时,缆绳会将马刺佩戴者的足部从座椅下方拉出来,以确保弹射安全。 - 3
The ejection seat, supplied by Martin-Baker, is fitted in all three variants. 由马丁·贝克公司提供的弹射座椅,分别与三种改型相配套。