释义 |
1 ?座椅靠背 ... rear seat后座;后座椅 seat back座椅靠背 in the driver's seat处于统治地位 ...
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In Washington State, Jay Inslee, who had been defeated in 1994, won his seat back. 在华盛顿州,1994年被击败的杰伊·英斯利又夺回了席位。 - 2
You know, the one right next to the bathroom, with a seat back that doesn't recline and legroom that doesn't exist? 你知道的,洗手间旁边那个,座位靠背不能放倒,腿也根本没地方放,我们知道这种感受。 - 3
Mochet's recumbent gave cyclists a more aerodynamic position, moving them closer to the ground, with the seat back allowing the riders to recline. 莫切特的卧式自行车让骑手拥有更流线型的位置,移动时更接近于地面,而且座椅靠背还可以让骑手仰着。