释义 |
1 ?海星 ... Sea Sun Star 海日星 sea-star 海星 SEA-STAR LINE LTD 青岛星海恒泰国际物流 ... 2 ?海之星 ...今天,笔者在中关村市场中看到一款名为Sea-STAR(海之星)的17英寸超平显示器,其售价仅为620元。
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This species, also known as crinoids, is a highly mobile form of sea star. - 2
Like their sea star cousins, crinoids have five or more arms and askeleton constructed of calcified plates elaborately slotted together. 像海星一样,海百合也有五条或者更多条长腕,还有一个由钙化层整齐排列在一起的外壳。 - 3
The sea star —often called astarfish, though it's no more a fish than it is a sheepdog—ranks with the mostspectacular creatures of the diverse menagerie inhabiting the shores near BodegaBay. 海星 —常被叫作星鱼,虽然它和牧羊犬一样都不是鱼——但在众多栖息于博迪加湾的生物中,它算得上最奇特生物之一。
1From Middle English *sesterre, from Old English s?steorra ?(“a star which guides mariners at sea”), equivalent to sea +? star. FROM: wiktionary |