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季节性情绪障碍 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
If you find the winter months tough, particularly during December and January you may suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, which causes a low mood caused by the lack of light during winter. 如果你觉得冬天很难熬,特别是在十二月和一月份,那么你可能患上了‘季节性情绪失调’,这是由于冬日里缺少阳光而引起的情绪低落。 - 2
We all feel our mood lift in this weather, too, including those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a depressive condition thought to be caused by the lack of sunshine in winter. 即便是那些患有季节性情感障碍症(SAD,一种由于在冬天缺乏阳光而引起季节性抑郁症)的人,也变得开朗起来。 - 3
A lack of sunlight, however, can sometimes lead to a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood illness which can lead to depression. 人体缺少阳光可能会引起一种被称为“季节性情障碍症(SAD)”的情绪疾病。这个疾病有可能导致抑郁症。