释义 |
- 海蛇:生活在温暖海洋中的许多有毒的水生蛇类,主要以胎生方式繁殖。
1 ?海蛇 ... Sea-crab 蟹, Sea-snake 海蛇, Sea Urchin 海胆, ...
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Strong sea winds can be exploited with offshore windfarms, while waves can be converted into electricity using articulated snake-like generators. 强烈的海风可以通过海上风力发电场来开发利用,海浪可以通过铰链式蛇形发电机转换成电能。 - 2
The world's first and only commercial wave power plant resembles a 500-foot- (150 meter-) long, 11 foot- (3.5 meter-) wide snake that floats, half-submerged, on the sea surface. 世界做大也是唯一商业目的的波电站看上去就像一条500英尺(150米)长,11英尺(3.5米)宽,在海面漂浮着,一半浸没在海水里的蛇。 - 3
Now, eight major DAMS on the Snake and Columbia Rivers have exacted a toll on the fish in their 900-mile journey to the sea-one of the greatest migrations in nature. 如今,蛇河和哥伦比亚河上八个主要的大坝对这些鱼洄游到大海的900英里行程造成了巨大破坏——这是自然界最伟大的洄游之一。