摘要: 帆角(sail angle)又称帆位角。船张帆驶风时,帆面与船纵中线的夹角。
... sail plane滑翔机 sail angle最大偏角;最后角 purple sail帆水母 ...
由于位移延伸的 需要大多都有一个很长的大斜度稳斜段,这个大斜度 稳斜角称为稳航角(Sail Angle)一般大于60°。 行业资料 > 石油、天然气工业 >
The daggerboard is a type of keel beneath the boat that allows the boat to sail at an angle into the wind.
UNESCO: Race for Water victim of ocean pollution
They will also attempt to change the direction of Ikaros by altering the angle of the sail.
BBC: Mini-camera pictures Japan's Ikaros solar sail
The novelty Dr Lappas envisages is to change the angle of the sail when the satellite has become defunct.
ECONOMIST: A satellite that tidies up after itself