释义 |
- adj.变老的,变旧的
- n.老化,变老
- v.变老,老化;(使)显老;(使)变陈(age 的现在分词形式)
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医药科学 衰老 This is one of the possible functional mechanisms of moxibusition delaying aging. 这可能是艾灸延缓衰老的又一作用机理。 老龄化 To adapt to the requirement of aging trend, and strengthen health education on elders.4. 3、适应老龄化趋势要求,强化老年人健康教育工作。 老化 The author first find that the zygoma hypertrophy are general law of the facial aging. 作者首先发现颧骨增厚是老化的普遍规律。 年龄 Frequency of abdominal distention also incline to ascend with aging. 腹胀的出现率也随年龄增高而倾向增多。
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土木建筑工程 老龄化 "Population aging" is the very serious problem placed in each country in the world, especially for the developing countries with some security perfectly system. “人口老龄化”是摆在世界每个国家面前的一个十分严峻的问题,特别是对保障体系还不太完善的发展中国家来说更是如此。 老化 On the other hand, many aging pipeline net work in the cities are needed to be replaced; and pipeline net work are also pined for in many newly built housing estate. 另外,现在各大城市的天然气管网老化严重也需要进行更换,新增小区住房也迫切需要进行安装天然气管道。
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机械工程 时效 In this paper, solution-treated and aging treatment are conducted on Cu-13.2Vol. %Fe and Cu-19.3Vol. 本论文对Cu-13.2Vol.%Fe和Cu-19.3Vol.%Fe合金进行了固溶处理和不同规范的时效处理。 陈化 The contents of the determined ketones increased during the aging process except for solanone.2. 酮类物质在烟叶的陈化过程中除茄酮外,其他所测定的各种酮的含量均有升高。 陈酿 In our modern industrial wine-making field, the stainless steel tanks are extensively utilized as wine aging container to replace expensive oak barrels. 我国葡萄酒工业化生产过程中,广泛采用不锈钢罐替代昂贵的橡木桶来陈酿葡萄酒。 时效处理 老化
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农业科学 陈化 Aging 、pest and mould are problems in the processing of storage. 但在储藏过程中,陈化、虫害、霉变等问题是一个历史难题。 醇化 No much change was found for nicotine,total nitrogen starch content during the aging. 烟碱、总氮、淀粉的变化没有明显的规律性,其中烟碱和总氮的含量在整个醇化阶段变化都不大。 劣变
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环境科学技术 熟化 When w(E)=3.5%、η=850 mPa·s、B=0.5, the content of Feb was the highest in PFC-EPI-DMA with 1d aging. 单就Feb含量而言,w(E)=3.5%、η=850 mPa·s、B=0.5的PFC-EPI-DMA复合混凝剂熟化1天时其含量最高。
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Multiple myeloma (mm) is a common hematological malignant disease with major incidence among old agings and rarely occurs under 40 year old. 多发性骨髓瘤(MM)是一种常见的血液系统恶性肿瘤,主要集中在老年人,40 a以下者少见。