释义 |
- n.萨福(Sappho),古希腊著名女诗人,生活在公元前6世纪的莱斯博斯岛。她的诗歌以情感真挚、优美的抒情风格而著称。
1 ?萨佛 来自旧金山的 萨佛 ( Saffo )说,在未来世界里,人们能够培养自己身体的备用组织器官,吃专为自己量身定做的药物,还可以用基因扫描仪预防遗传疾病。
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Paul Saffo, the futurist, says he could divide the technology world into two kinds of people: engineers and natural scientists. Paul Saffon,未来学家,说他可以把技术世界分成两类人:工程师和自然科学家。 - 2
"Nine months ago, if you could program HTML, you had the hottest ticket in Silicon Valley, "says Paul Saffo. "Today it'll get a yawn. " “9个月前,如果你懂得设计超文字编撰语言,你就拥有整个硅谷最抢手的货,可以无往不利,”保罗·萨弗欧说,“今天的话就没人会理你了。” - 3
In other words, expect more catalogs and credit-card offers in the short term, although Saffo believes environmental pressures won't make that strategy sustainable in the long run. 换一句话说,尽管Saffo相信外界的压力不会使得这项政策长期执行下去,但是就目前来说,它仍然可以带来更多的客户和签单。