释义 |
简短的内容列表 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [图情]?要目 ... 要览 guidebook 要目 short content list 一般参照 general reference ...
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Overview content file: This file is populated with general information about the pattern, such as the short description, version, author, and a list of groups to which the pattern belongs. 概览内容文件:这一文件包括关于模式的一般信息,如简短描述,版本,作者和模式所属的组列表。 - 2
The pattern library help content file contains information such as the short description, the version and ID of the library, and a list of patterns in the library. 模式库帮助内容文件包含有一些信息,例如简短说明,版本,程序库的ID及库中的模式列表。 - 3
Content type management, BCS, Lists, Web Parts, Workflow – this is only a short list of enhancements and topics Microsoft was focusing on in SharePoint 2010. 数据类型管理、BCS、列表、Web Parts、工作流,不一而足,都是微软SharePoint2010版本的重点更新内容。