释义 |
1 ?反向刻度盘 ... 反向可能性 reversibility; 反向刻度盘 reverse card; 反向控制 reversed control; ...
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If others follow, it would reverse the shift to "free" banking over the past decade-largely financed by rising debit-card fees-which made millions of poorer consumers bankable. 若其他银行也效仿此法,这将颠覆过去十年来的“自由银行制”——很大程度上靠提高借记卡收费来养活银行——从而招揽数以百万计消费能力较弱的客户。 - 2
By modifying the URL, attackers can reverse-engineer the database structure and potentially find users' names, passwords, or even credit card Numbers. 通过修改url,攻击者可以对数据库结构逆向开发,有可能找到用户姓名、口令甚至信用卡号。 - 3
His card, very nicely printed in color on thick laminated paper stock, identified him as "John Smith" on the English side, with his real Chinese name on the reverse. 他的名片采用厚重的贴膜纸板制作,彩色印刷十分精美,英文一面印着姓名:约翰·史密斯,背面是他的中文真名。