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1 ?收益函数 5 最佳化问题R(x)=xp(x) 微积分, 3.5, 页3-35? R称为收益函数(revenue function),它的导数R’则称为边际收益函数(marginal revenue function), 是总收入相对于销售量的变化率。3. 2 ?收入函数 收入函数 ( revenue function ):从原点开始,随着销售量的增加而增加。 盈亏平衡分析 盈亏平衡点: 总成本线 Total cost line 盈亏平衡点 Total cost = Tota...
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Task revenue function is related to fire density, burning time and number of fire put out by robots, which is consistent with the realistic fire-fighting task model. 收益函数与火势、燃烧时间和机器人扑灭火灾数有关,这切合实际救火模型。 - 2
The tax system in our country should be reformed as he followings: according to the requirement of sufficiently developing tax revenue function, establishing the tax system reasonably; 我国的税制应做如下方面的变革:按照充分发挥税收职能作用的要求,合理地设置税制体系; - 3
In this paper I get the profit be maximum, as the revenue function, cost function are continuous differential and the margin revenue equals margin cost, that marginal profit equals zero. 当收入函数、成本函数为连续可微函数,边际收入等于边际成本,即边际利润等于零时,利润最大;但在离散情况下,上述结论不一定成立,并给出反例。