释义 |
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土木建筑工程 再利用 Until recent years, the Protection and re-use of industrial heritage gradually become an important issue. 直到近年来,工业遗产保护再利用才逐渐成为人们关注的一个重要课题。
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环境科学技术 再利用 So, the logistics of waste recovery system is very important, how to establish a rational, efficient, integrated logistics system will have a direct impact on the quality of urban waste recycling and re-use resources effectively. 因此,垃圾回收物流系统就显得十分重要了,如何建立一套合理、高效、完整的物流系统将直接影响到城市垃圾回收工作的好坏和资源再利用的效率。 重复使用 再使用
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For simplicity in this example, the consumer re-uses the same destination the producer USES to send a message. The code to create the consumer looks like this. 在例子中为简单起见,消费者重用了生产者用来发送消息的终点。 - 2
The approaches it USES are tailored to use legacy systems and attempt to dissect and re-factor through data integration. 这个级别使用的方法针对遗留系统进行了特殊设计,试图分解和重构数据集成。 - 3
We have found that most USES of an MDA transformation occur in a process where the transformation is re-executed multiple times in an iterative development process. 我们已经发现,在重复开发流程中会进行可重复多次的转换,在这样的流程中会大量使用mda转换。