释义 |
1 ?谢尔盖 Sergei(谢尔盖):5年以来在莫斯科跟随每年前去演出的王建欣教授学习 簘、埙。 2 ?爱森斯坦 您现在看到的战舰波将金号(Bronenosets Potyomkin)-谢尔盖 爱森斯坦 ( Sergei )是淘宝网商城为您搜集整理的.521淘宝是国内领先的购物导购引擎,它汇集了网上购物网所有分类的大多数热门商品,不仅仅给您提供的详... 3 ?但瑟吉 但瑟吉(Sergei),我是有男朋友的。学习可以召唤2只最新的龙骨骷髅跟你奋战。 4 ?诺夫 Gypsy?Passion?吉普赛小提琴家谢尔盖·托凡诺夫(Sergei?Trofanov):AMAZON?五颗星高度评鉴魔幻小提琴家。
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It was clear after the incident that, while she may have answered truthfully in the strictest sense of the word, Sheryl was actually trying to delude Sergei. 事件发生后,虽然从严格意义上讲,谢莉尔可能是如实回答,但实际上她是想欺骗塞奇。 - 2
The captain, Sergei Zaretsky, and three others stayed behind. 船长谢尔盖·扎热斯基(Sergei Zaretsky)和其他3人则留在船上。 - 3
The burly Mr Borisov could hardly be more different from his predecessor, Sergei Stanishev. 身材魁梧的博里索夫很难与其前任谢尔盖·斯塔尼舍夫有所不同。