释义 |
1 ?安全寿命设计 定义 中文名称: 安全寿命设计 英文名称: safe life design 定义: 使承力结构在规定的寿命期内不进行检查和维修的条件下疲劳失效概率极小的设计。 应用学科: 航空科技(一级学科);飞行器结构及其设计与强度理论(二级学 ba
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Abstract: How to design a comfortable, safe, economic, beautiful, and at the same time, to meet people's spiritual life requirement of architecture. 摘要:如何设计出舒适、安全、经济、美观,同时又要符合人们精神生活要求的建筑。 - 2
At this stage, the bridge health monitoring, damage identification and condition assessment to ensure that the structure of the safe operation within the design life has become a concern. 在现阶段,桥梁健康检测、桥梁损伤识别和状态评估来确保结构设计寿命内的安全运营已成为关注的课题。 - 3
Taste of life, enjoy the design, safe shopping, good faith sharing.