How to tell if your eggs are fresh and safe to eat without even cracking them open!
Also discussed is the inevitability of the said J55 casing perforation cracking on the basis of result from research concerning perforation safe toughness.
同时还应用射孔安全韧性判据的研究成果,论证了该J 55套管射孔开裂的必然性。
But home wireless networks may not be all that safe either, because of free and widely available Wi-Fi cracking programs like Gerix WiFi Cracker, Aircrack-ng and Wifite.
但是,一些类似于Gerix WiFi Cracker, Aircrack-ng and Wifite的广泛使用的免费破解程序使得家中的无线网也并非固若金汤。