得失相长 成败相进 方圆相卫 有无相生. 找到自己的那个点,坚持做到最好. ... KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE; hang around with positive people, stay away from naysayers, cry babies, if something isn’t going right in your life, keep it to yourself, no one wants to hear your problems.正面思考。只和正面思考的人在一起,不要和负面思考的人,远离爱哭爱抱怨的人。把不好的事留给自己,别人不想听到你不幸的遭遇。 RETURN ALL PHONE CALLS & EMAILS; not returning calls or emails are a way to lose customers and friends, return your calls and emails as soon as possible.回复每一通电话及email。不回信会让你失去朋友,尽速回信吧! TELL THE TRUTH; if you are caught in a lie even once, you will always be considered a liar. Even if you tell the truth for the rest of your life, you won’t be trusted or believed.诚实。如果一生中只有一次被抓到说谎,你一辈子都会被认为是说谎者。纵使你从此都说实话,人家还是不会相信。 ...