释义 |
1 ?与宪兵的实战预警局 ...美国成立的国家反恐中心,设立国家反恐局,同时重组情报机构,把警察的国土情报中央局(SCRT,前身为情报局)与宪兵的实战预警局(SDAO)合并,成立国土 ..
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Once you understand the basic SDAO implementation, you can explore other ways of working with the simulated DAO (DefaultDAO) class. 在您理解了基本的SDAO实现之后,就可以研究其它使用模拟DAO (DefaultDAO)类的方法。 - 2
In addition to improving our overall product, SDAO has been a crucial part of helping our teams master the peculiarities of the various J2EE APIs. 除了改进我们的整个产品之外,SDAO还成为了帮助我们团队掌握各种J2EE api特性的重要工具。 - 3
The best way to understand how SDAO works is to see it in action, and hopefully apply it for yourself. We'll start with a simple example of a simulated data access object, shown in Listing 2. 理解SDAO如何工作的最佳方法是实际研究它,并希望您亲自应用它。