释义 |
- 软饼干:一种口感较软的饼干,通常含有较多的水分,口感酥软。
1 ?软烤瓷饼 ... soft rubber 释义:软橡皮 soft biscuit 释义:软烤瓷饼,软瓷面 soft agarose 释义:软琼脂糖 ...
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In North America, a biscuit is a small, round, unsweetened, soft bread. - 2
The protein content and dough strength of soft wheat for biscuit must be low. 饼干采用软麦制粉,其蛋白质含量和面团强度都应较低。 - 3
Cheesecake is a dessert formed of a topping made with soft, fresh cheese upon a base make from biscuit, pastry or sponge. 乳酪蛋糕是一种甜点,上层由新鲜松软的乳酪制作而成,下层可以饼干,酥皮或海绵蛋糕为底。