释义 |
reticence 英/ ?ret?sns / 美/ ?ret?sns / - 1
语言学 沉默 Since Krashen put forward the affective filter hypothesis, more and more concern has been paid to the anxiety problem by foreign language educators and researchers at home and aboard. Among them, one qualitative research in Reticence and Anxiety in Second Language Learning by Amy B. M. Tusi stood out and received much attention. 自从克拉申的情感过滤假说提出以来,焦虑问题引起国内外外语教育者的关注,其中一项很有影响的定性研究是知名学者AmyB.M.Tsui所作的《第二语言学习中的沉默与外语课堂焦虑》的调查。