

单词 reconstruction finance corporation
reconstruction finance corporation
  • 简明释义
  • 复兴金融公司
  • 网络释义
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    ...和欧洲,都面临着严重的对坏账缠身的金融机构的注资问题,而大萧条时期的“重建金融公司”(Reconstruction Finance Corporation,简称RFC)救市的核心就是注入公共资金,获得公有 “优先股”。我认为这个过程绝对不会如保尔森计划所说的只有两年。

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    复兴金融公司(Reconstruction Finance Corporation,RFC)是胡佛紧缩政策的一个例外。作为胡佛最强有力的扩张手段,RFC被严格地限制在其目标之内。

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    罗斯福扩充一个胡佛时代的机构:复兴银行公司(Reconstruction Finance Corporation)。想知道

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    ...也反对必须公开那些向 Fed 借钱的人的身份,他指出,大萧条期间,借款人拒绝金融重建公司(Reconstruction Finance Corporation)的援助,就是想避免羞辱。

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    One model being talked about is the Reconstruction Finance Corporation introduced in the 1930s during the Depression.

    BBC: Will the bail-out work?

  • 2.

    Mr Bernanke's groundbreaking paper on the Depression, published in 1983, noted that recovery began in 1933 with large infusions of federal cash into institutions, through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and households, through the Home Owners' Loan Corporation.

    ECONOMIST: America??s bail-out plan

  • 3.

    This careful planning means that not everything (for example, the Securities and Exchange Commission) is found where it might have been expected, but almost everything gets inspected and discussed at last (though there is no proper account of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the New Deal's banker).

    ECONOMIST: American history





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