释义 |
1 ?侦察部队 ... 行政督察部 division of administration and supervision 侦察部队 reco ai ance troop; reconnaissance element; reconnaissance troops; reconnaissance unit 法规监察部门 b. regulatory oversight bodies ...
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Regarding specific deployments, Japan plans to send more ground troops to its southwestern islands. The troops will use mobile radar and fly reconnaissance aircraft to monitor the surrounding seas. 关于特定的军事布署,日本计划派遣更多自卫队地面部队开赴西南诸岛。这些部队将使用移动雷达和侦察机监测海面情况。 - 2
Operation Oqab Tsuka (Eagle's Summit) involved the deployment of massive firepower-some 5,000 troops, plus hundreds of special forces, 30 helicopters, two reconnaissance drones and 20 jets. 此次代号为“鹰峰”(Oqab Tsuka)的军事行动涉及部署大规模火力——约5000士兵,数百支特种部队,30架直升机,2架无人驾驶机和20架喷气机。 - 3
Operation Oqab Tsuka (Eagle's Summit) involved the deployment of massive firepower-some 5, 000 troops, plus hundreds of special forces, 30 helicopters, two reconnaissance drones and 20 jets. 此次代号为“鹰峰”(Oqab Tsuka)的军事行动涉及部署大规模火力——约5000士兵,数百支特种部队,30架直升机,2架无人驾驶机和20架喷气机。