... 变构抑制剂allosteric inhibitor 辨认位点recognition site 标志补救marker rescue ...
...合(recognition and binding of RNA polymerase to template):启动子 (promoter)的概念,转录起始的辨认位点(recognition site) 二、转录过程(Process of transcription) 1. 原核生物的转录过程:转录的起始,转录空泡(transcription bubble),Pribnow box ...
Both the antigen and the T-helper lymphocyte recognitionsite containing constituent may be associated with the liposome by using hydrophobic interactions or by covalent attachment to a lipid.
For complete guidance about how to achieve an effective speech recognition system using a fixed vocabulary, see the VoxForge site.
Google has just acquired facial recognition software company PittPatt (Pittsburgh Pattern recognition), according to an announcement on the startup's site.