释义 |
- 没有考虑到:指在做决策或计划时没有考虑到某个因素或某个人的存在。
- 没有指望:指没有期望或没有预料到某个事情的发生。
- 1
Combine to sing to rehearse is also, they say as long as have that "great commander" at, everything reckons without, basic no one once considered my feeling. 就连合唱排练也是,她们说只要有那位“大将”在,一切不成问题,根本没有人考虑过我的感受。 - 2
The IEA reckons that even without any new policy measures to raise fuel efficiency or encourage biofuels, US oil demand will fall by 0.7 per cent a year over the next 20 years. 国际能源机构预计,即使没有任何提高能效或者鼓励使用生物燃料的新政策出台,未来20年内,美国的石油需求也会以每年0.7%的速度下滑。 - 3
Without new capacity, reckons Ofgem, the energy regulator, demand will start to exceed supply around the time of the election after this one. 能源管理者Ofegm认为,如果没有新的发电途径,在这次选举前后的一段时间,能源需求将会超过供给。