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1 ?行军速度 ... sea-air-land team 海空陆特种作战小队,海豹小队 rate of march 行军速度 security intelligence 安全(保卫)情报 ...
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A cold front passing through the area on March 19, 2010, slowed the rate of snowmelt feeding local rivers. 3月19日,一股冷锋掠过该区,减缓了雪融水进入该地河流的速度。 - 2
In March 2009, the personal savings rate reached 5.7% of disposable income, a 14-year high. 2009年3月,个人存款率占到可自由支配收入的5.7%,创14年新高。 - 3
But the three-month interbank rate soared, reaching 6% by the end of March, and credit conditions have accordingly tightened despite the lower base rate. 虽然基本利率很低,但由于3月期银行间利率急剧增加,到3月底时已达6%,从而使得信贷相应趋紧。