中文名称: (燃烧)过剩空气率 英文名称: Rate of Excess Air 友情链接 中国物流网 中国箱包网 中国保护用品网 中国保温网 中国烧烤网 中国工业皮带网 中国床上用品网 中国标牌网 中国彩电网
Under the condition of constant phosphorus mass flow rate, the smog exit temperature would increase slowly while other parameters would decrease with increasing excessair coefficient.
Excessair factor and volumetric heat release rate have little effect on the generation quantity of CO in flue gases.
After the airexcess coefficient is greater than 1.1, the oxidation rateof the electrode is increased more quickly; when the coefficient is less than 1.1, the oxidation rate is increased slowly.