释义 |
1 ?股息率 ... 进一步加息 additional firming 股息率 dividend rate; dividend yield; rate of dividends 利息率 interest rate; interestrate ...
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Just under a quarter of the millionaires pay as little, or less, than that median, a phenomenon almost entirely due to the lower rate levied on capital gains and dividends. 少于四分之一的富翁要比中产付的还要少,这个情况完全是由于对资本收益税和股息税税率过低造成的。 - 2
For example, when banks lend moneyto the firm, they insist on a formal contract stating the rate of interest andrepayment dates, perhaps placing restrictions on dividends or additionalborrowing. 例如,当银行借钱给公司,他们会要求公司提供一份声明贷款利率和还款期限的正式合同,可能还会在分红或者额外贷款中附加限制条件。 - 3
However, that all changed in 2003 with the Jobs and Growth tax Reconciliation Act of 2003, which cut the rate of taxation of dividends to 15% — the same rate that capital gains are taxed. 但在2003年这些都变了,2003年颁布的《就业与进一步减税协调法案》,将股利的税率减至15%,与资本收益的征税率相同。