释义 |
- n.(Rasul)人名;(英、俄、阿富、阿塞、孟)拉苏尔
1 ?拉苏尔 北京(Beijing)残奥会举重须眉56公斤级角逐中,伊拉克选手拉苏尔(Rasul)·穆赫辛以185公斤的成就得到银牌(Silver medal),爱就是这么矛盾这么微妙 看来是恨 实际是爱 外面吵架里面关怀 最恶毒的言词 常是... 2 ?来苏里 教徒称信者为「来苏里(RASUL),先知为 纳比 ( NABI ),谓先知直领受阿拉启示,而使者不仅如此,且负有阿拉委以的专门使命。 3 ?使者 (1) 第一个先知(Nayiyy)及 使者 ( Rasul )是谁? 4 ?名字 ... 所属州: AR 名字: Rasul 姓: Mikal ...
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Then, on 28 March, the day his daughter vanished, Rasul was himself arrested at gunpoint. 接着,3月28号,拉苏尔的女儿消失的这一天,拉苏尔自己也被逮捕。 - 2
Rasul shows me the verbs she was busy noting down in her exercise book on 7 February, weeks before her death. 拉苏尔给我看了她死前几星期的练习册,2月7号上面记录着她忙着练习的动词。 - 3
Rasul quotes a line from Tolstoy's War and Peace: "' Good people make up the majority." Evil people are fewer in number, but they are very organised and can control the masses. '. 拉苏尔引用了托尔斯泰《战争与和平》中的一行:“‘好人占大多数,恶人在数量上比好人少,但是恶人很有组织性,能够控制大多数。”’
1From Arabic ?????? ?(rasūl, “messenger”). FROM: wiktionary 2来自阿拉伯语??????("messenger"). |