释义 |
1 ?径切面 ... radial arm 旋臂 radial cut 径切面,径锯... radial drill 摇臂钻床,摇臂钻...
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With it pinions can be machined with hob or single-tooth indexing, also can with shaft cut-in and radial cut-in method. 可采用逆铣和顺铣方法加工齿轮,可以轴向或径向进行加工。 - 2
In the center of the architecture, radial walls were cut off in dome shape, to make space for a dining table. 墙在建筑中间被设计成了穹顶状,以创造出餐厅的空间。 - 3
Drawer dividers may also be made from 1/4-inch sheet acrylic (have the retailer cut the pieces to size, or cut them yourself using a fine blade in a table or radial arm saw). 抽屉分隔器可能有四分之一英寸的塑料板(让零售商帮你消减尺寸,或自己用刀片切)。