释义 |
- 球拍运动:一类使用球拍进行比赛的运动,如网球、羽毛球、乒乓球等。
1 ?球拍运动 图书 : 进口原版 : Sports(运动) : Racket Sports(球拍运动) : 4星及以上 : 仅显示有库存商品 2 ?挥拍运动 这次Mobile01在上市前先向SCET借到了整套PS Move系统与《运动冠军》(Sports Champions)、《挥拍运动》(Racket Sports)这两款将和PS Move一起上市的运动游戏来进行试玩分享,虽然说在下先前已经数度体验过PS Move游戏了,但这次可以借回到自家总部好...
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Women who jog or play racket sports and ball games early in pregnancy risk losing their baby, according to a study of more than 90,000 pregnant women in Denmark. 根据丹麦一项对超过90,000名孕妇的研究,怀孕早期进行慢跑、有拍运动和球类运动有冒流产的风险。 - 2
At the top level it can be the most demanding of the racket sports, calling for a fencer's speed of reflex and gymnast's ability, and yet the beginners can have a fun game the first time they play. 羽毛球可称得上是要求最高的执拍运动,顶级选手要拥有击剑选手的反应速度和体操运动员的技能,而初学者也可以在第一次打球时便获得乐趣。 - 3
Shaft handle golf, racket, bicycle, skiing and water skiing equipment etc; diving equipment flipper, googles, respiratory siphon, torch, braking rubber, sports pad etc. 手把类高尔夫球,各种球拍,脚踏车,滑雪滑水器材等;潜水器材蛙鞋,蛙镜,呼吸管,手电筒,刹车制,运动护垫等。