释义 |
- 种族隔离:一种政治和社会制度,通过法律和行政手段将不同种族的人隔离开来,限制他们的社会交往和平等权利。
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经济学 种族隔离 South Africa is located in the farthest south of Africa. However, for a long time South Africa is isolated from international community not because of its geographic location but the racial separation policy by its government. 南非地处非洲大陆的最南端,是个名副其实的天涯海角之国,但在相当长的时间里,南非孤立于国际社会的原因并不是其地理位置,而是政府推行的极不人道的种族隔离制度。
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Many white Americans were fighting the Supreme Court's decision to end racial separation in schools. 很多美国白种人反对联邦最高法院做出的结束学校种族分离政策的决定。 - 2
The case of "Brown versus Board of Education" provided the basis for other court decisions. It helped destroy the terrible wall of legal racial separation throughout the United States. “布朗诉教育委员会案”为其他法院的判决提供了基础,它帮助摧毁了横立在美国全国的种族隔离之墙。