释义 |
1 ?购买法 ...国通用准则下,对海外重组的会计处理,主要有两 种方法,即购买法(Purchase Accounting 权益结合法(Poo 购买法(Purchase Accounting)和权益结合法 权益结合法(Poo 购买法 Accounting)。 2 ?购买会计法 ... 购买会计法 purchase accounting 激进会计法 Aggressive Accounting 资金会计法 fund accounting approach ... 3 ?收购会计法 ...计准则(US GAAP)「SFAS 141与国际财务报告准则(IFRS)第3号分别于2001年及2004年采用「收购会计法 (Purchase Accounting),做为企业并购交易的唯一入帐方法,并摒弃过去广受青睐之「权益结合 法。 4 ?购入记账法 ... Prudent man rule 谨慎原则 Purchase accounting 购入记账法 Put 卖权,看跌期权 ...
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Purchase accounting is accounting method, which is mainly used in enterprises merger and acquisition by countries in the world of today. 购买法是目前各国企业购并所使用的主要会计处理方法。 - 2
Accounting calculates total purchase price, based on the costs, discount level, tax rate, and shipping. 财务团队根据成本、折扣率、税率和运费,计算总体采购价格。 - 3
On Monday January 18th a trial is set to resume which relates to alleged fraud and false accounting over the purchase of TV rights by a media company that Mr Berlusconi controls. 1月18日法庭开庭审理贝鲁斯科尼旗下一家媒体公司在购买电视转播权时涉嫌欺诈和错误的会计处理方法的事项。