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1 ?点读式进化 ... open reading frame,ORF 释义:可译框架,阅读框架 punctuated evolution 释义:点读式进化 sensing circuit 释义:读出电路 ...
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He also found that punctuated evolution explained about 22% of such genetic changes, with the remainder unfolding smoothly through time. 他还发现大约22%的遗传变化要通过间断式进化来解释,其余的则通过随时间渐进式进化来解释。 - 2
The evolution of North American horse, which was once presented as a classic textbook example of gradual evolution, is now providing equally compelling evidence for punctuated equilibrium. 北美马的进化,曾经被作为一个经典的渐进演化的教科书案例,现在为点断平衡说提供了同样令人信服的证据。 - 3
This motif matches the general pattern of evolution found in earthly fossils, a pattern known in the evolutionary trade as punctuated equilibrium, or "punk eek" for short. 这个模式与从早期化石里发现的进化的常见模式相契合,该模式在进化论业界里叫做间断平衡(punctuated equilibrium)[7],或简称为“蹦移(punk eek)”。