释义 |
1 ?点状角膜炎 ... 第一眼位primary position 点状角膜炎punctate keratitis 发病率incidence ...
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And there's also a significant chance of toxicity in the form of conjunctivitis, punctate keratitis, partial occlusion, or contact dermatitis. 在结膜炎、点状角膜炎、部分性遮闭或接触性皮炎等类型中使用也会有很大机会出现毒性作用。 - 2
"And there's also a significant chance of toxicity in the form of conjunctivitis, punctate keratitis, partial occlusion, or contact dermatitis," she said. 她说:“在结膜炎、点状角膜炎、部分性遮闭或接触性皮炎等类型中使用也会有很大机会出现毒性作用。” - 3
Delayed conjunctival wound healing took place in 11 eyes(7.19%), superficial punctate keratitis occurred in 9 eyes(5.88%), and no special treatment was conducted. 结膜创口延迟愈合11眼(7.19%)及浅层点状角膜炎9眼(5.88%),未予特殊治疗;