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泵、真空 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
It consists air blowing system, heating system, vacuum vehicle, vacuum pump, vacuum valve and alarm equipment. 本机组由风循环系统、加热系统、真空车、真空泵、真空阀等部件组成,并设有报警装置。 - 2
A vacuum pump, housed in a rusty ammo box, captured a fumarole's plume. 一个生锈盒子里装着一台真空泵,用来捕获喷气孔冒出的烟羽。 - 3
The University of Maine arches, on the other hand, can be fabricated on site — the fabric inflated, bent around a simple form and infused with resin using a vacuum pump. 而另一方面,缅因大学的拱梁可以在现场构建——纤维布套充气、弯曲成简单形状,用真空泵灌注树脂。