释义 |
1 ?本期利润 ... 本期利益 profit of the period 本期利润, 当期利润 profit for the term 到期利息 interest due; matured interest ... 2 ?当期利润 ... 本期利益 profit of the period 本期利润, 当期利润 profit for the term 到期利息 interest due; matured interest ...
- 1
"In the long term, the best strategy for Apple will be to get more and more of its revenue and profit from its software and services platform," said Michael Cusumano, a professor at M.I.T. 's. 最终,越来越多的收入和利润将来自它的软件和服务平台,这将是Apple的最佳战略。 - 2
Values are about behaviors, taking the form of statements like "we'll never sacrifice customer satisfaction for short term profit" or "we always thank the customer for choosing us." 价值与行为有关,采取像“我们永远都不会靠牺牲客户的满意来换取短期利益”或“对于客户选择了我们,我们永远保持感激”之类的话的形式。 - 3
The Spanish region of Valencia allows for-profit firms to run over 20% of its health-care services, with the sort of long-term deal British providers hanker for. 西班牙Valencia地区允许私人公司经营超过20%的健康医疗业务,这是英国提供商长期以求的份额。