释义 |
- n.教授;教师;公开表示信仰的人(professor 的变形)
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"Everyone gave them space and was too cool to bother them," says Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition and food studies at New York University who ate at a nearby table. 纽约大学的营养学及食品研究教授马里恩·内斯特尔说:“人们没有打扰他们,酷到连招呼都没打”。当时他就在邻桌用餐。 - 2
Professor Julian Hamilton-Shield, who is leading the initiative, said obese children and adolescents using the Mandometer ate from 12 to 15 per cent less per meal at the end of the 12-month trial. 带领这一试验的JulianHamilton - Shield教授表示,使用Mandometer的肥胖儿童和青少年在12个月的实验结束后,每餐食量减少了12%到15%。 - 3
The women who ate prunes saw also slight reductions in these risk factors, but not to the same extent as those who ate apples, said study author and professor of nutrition Bahram H.Arjmandi. 吃梅子干的女性志愿者也检测出有轻微的这些危险因素下降,但是下降程度不及吃苹果组。