...14 外观核准报告(AAR)如被指定时 S S S R15散装(BULK)材料要求查检表【适用散装(BULK)PPAP】R R R R16 产品样品(PRODUCT SAMPLE) R S S R17 标准样品(MASTER SAMPLE) R R R R18 检验辅助设备(CHECKING AID) R R R R19 完整记录含客户特定要求 R R S R符号说明...
增收渠道 ? Income sources 产品样本 ? Product Samples 7.负责工厂端料件备案资料&关务BOM提供.
The exhibition hall is divided into three parts: the basic situation of enterprises introduction area, products displays area and productsample demo area.
A fully developed productsample can be used in terms of pricing policy, target market segment, advertising strategies, packaging, distribution channel, etc.
The instrument is mainly used in small-scale laboratory use powder molding can be used in ceramics, powder metallurgy, cement and other sectors of the productsample preparation.