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头骨实践 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?战术讲解 ... skull forceps 颅骨钳 skull practice 战术讲解,战术训练... skull defect 颅骨缺损 ...
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The practice of skull elongation - to signify group affiliation or social status - dates back 9, 000 years. 头骨人工加长技术,它象征着的是团队内部的隶属关系或社会地位,最早使用于9000年前。 - 2
In traditional Maori practice, the heads of one's forefathers, often tattooed to the bone of the skull, were kept as totems honoring their spirits. 按毛利人的传统做法,他们会把祖先们的颅骨刺青,并作为他们的精神图腾保管。 - 3
Mentioning the combination of soul and material to form all things, may I ask you, Mr. Skull, are you staying here to practice and bide your time to form a human? 至于说到神释与物质结合而成为万物这件事,髑髅先生,你如今是否是在修炼养气,等待时机,准备再次为人呢?