... 通用后缀: Jr 名字: Skoglund 姓: A ...
桑迪·斯各格兰德 ; 姗蒂·斯格朗德 ; 凶猛超现实
伦纳特·斯科格伦德 ; 斯科格伦德 ; 斯科格兰德 ; 伦纳特·斯克伦
The woman was buried under stone structures that Mr. Skoglund compared with a mini-Stonehenge.
WSJ: Migrations Spurred Agriculture Spread, Studies Indicate
"We've been able to analyze lots, lots more DNA, " said Mr. Skoglund.
"It's the most direct evidence of farming spreading by migration of peoples that you could hope to find, " said lead author Pontus Skoglund, an Uppsala University graduate student.