释义 |
1 ?内部联跳 地铁牵引供电系统保护--武汉论文发表网,毕业论文,硕士论文,职称论文,各专业论文,论文之家 关键词】牵引变电所 内部联跳 馈线开关 开关失灵拒动 短路电流 死区。 [gap=905]Key words】traction substation, inter-tripping, feed breaker, the breaker failure and tripping disabled, short circuit current 2 ?死区 打印 关键词】牵引变电所 内部联跳 馈线开关 开关失灵拒动 短路电流 死区。 [gap=4624] feed breaker, the breaker failure and tripping disabled, short circuit current, skip area 3 ?跳越区 ... 带跳越 tape skip 跳越区 skip area; skipzone; skizone 间接跳越 indirect jump ...
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Objective To investigate the ultrastructural features and it's significance of the skip area with giant cell arteritis (GCA). 目的研究巨细胞动脉炎(GCA)颞动脉活检跳跃区域的超微结构特征及其意义。 - 2
Don't think you can skip fluoride if you live in an area where the water is fluoridated. 不要认为你生活在一个用水中加入氟气的地区就可以因此忽略氟。 - 3
If you're running TCPDF out of your personal web-site area, (often public_html in your home directory), you can skip this step. 如果您正在您的个人网站领域以外运行TCPDF,(在您的主目录下通常是public_html),则您可以跳过此步骤。